Fox Adventure APK Android
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Free Download selamat pagi sobat kali ini saya akan menulis tentang game Android
Fox ini banyak di minati oleh anak-anak jaman sekarang karena selain melatih konsentrasi game ini juga bisa mencerdaskan otak kita.karena game ini perlu pemikiran yang jernih dan cerdas.seperti teman saya,dia tiap hari main game ini jadi saya tidak heran jika dia menjadi anak yang cerdas karena setiap hari otaknya di buat mikir.penasaran kan?silahkan di coba sendiri ya !!!!
Fox Adventure is a puzzle Android game with awesome powers and different style puzzle solving adventure. There is a little story and the starting of the game when you press the start button and a small intro about the story starts small introduction of main character and the mission about finding 7 crystals from the puzzlic world. Fox’s Grandfather is kidnapped by the some unknown killers and they demand you to help them finding those 7 keys which unlocks treasures. Game is simply just plant Dynamites to move the walls and make your way to exit. there are total 51 stages in the game and each with different difficulties. use provided items to clear the levels. Game is available premium in the play store and it has no IAPs nor any ads. just a clean puzzle game you might want to enjoy it.
Requires Android: 2.3 and Up
Version: 1.2.1
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Fox Adventure APK Android
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